Ansel duplicates image when field is restricted
#209 opened by Aasun
I have Ansel in a stand alone Ansel field (not in a grid, not in bloqs, etc.). I have Min Quantity set to 1 and Max Quantity set to 1 and Prevent uploads when max quantity reached.
However, CP users are getting multiple images added to a field and those multiple images are getting output in the template.
I see multiple images in the field data in PHPMyAdmin. It seems that when you delete an image in Ansel, "delete" text gets added to the field on save. Then on the NEXT save, the image is deleted. So, that if you delete the image and then add a new one in the same step and then save, the original image is not actually deleted.. This results in multiple images being placed in the single image field.
- Aasun
Replied 12/20/2021 4:15 PM
This is especially problematic with "required" fields. Otherwise, I would just instruct the admin users to delete the image, save the entry, then add the new image. But, with the field being required, you can't do that interim/additional save.
- TJ Draper
Replied 12/20/2021 8:14 PM
I'm not able to replicate this behavior. Can you send me a screen shot or copy and paste of all the settings for the field?
And can you open up the developer console and tell me if you're seeing any errors at any point in the posting entry process?