Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016 Treasury for ExpressionEngine by TJ Draper
Today, I am pleased to announce Treasury for ExpressionEngine 3. What is Treasury? Well, I’m glad you asked! Treasury is a file manager for ExpressionEngine. But not just a file manager — after all, ExpressionEngine already has the capability to store and manage files on the local server. Treasury allows you to store files on Amazon S3, SFTP, and/or FTP locations. And yes, for completeness sake, it does have a local mode as well.
Treasury has tags that allow you to retrieve and display any and all files stored in Treasury’s locations, and Treasury also has a simple file field for selecting files on Channel Entries. The field is also compatible with Grid, Bloqs, and Low Variables (of course!).
But that’s not the real power of Treasury. Because in addition to the simple file field, Treasury has a developer API so any ExpressionEngine developer can make any applicable add-on Treasury compatible.
I went first in making an existing add-on Treasury compatible (you know, obviously). Starting right now with Ansel 1.3.0, Ansel is Treasury compatible. This means you can combine the power of Ansel’s image manipulation with full CDN storage. This has been one of the most requested features for Ansel. But it was beyond the scope of Ansel. Ansel is not a file manager, it is a field type that manipulates images. But now, Treasury provides the storage layer should you want to use Amazon S3, or other scenario for your file storage.
I’m providing two ways for you to purchase Treasury. The first is as a stand-alone add-on. The second is as part of a bundle with Ansel. The bundle provides a $49.00 savings over buying them both separately!
And, as always, you can get in touch if you want to test drive any commercial add-ons. When you test drive a BuzzingPixel add-on, you’ll get the full version. Once you have test driven the add-on(s), all you’ll need to do is purchase a site license and enter the license key and you’ll be good to go.
So let’s get started building awesome things!